Cats Claw Vine, Tea, Infusion, anti inflammatory, anti fungal, anti viral, anti parasitic, kidney cleanser,

Cats Claw Vine

Good Living Nutrition
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Cat's claw is a woody vine that grows wild in the Amazon rainforest and other tropical areas of Central and South America. Its thorns resemble a cat's claws and the bark and root of cat's claw is used to make liquid extracts, capsules, tablets, and tea. The bark and root have been used for centuries in South America as a traditional medicine.

There are many benefits for the use of cats claw but your own research is required as we are restricted due to advertising laws which support pharmaceutical companies.

How to Take our Cats Claw:

1 or 2 tea spoons of bark to tea strainer in cup

Add boiling water

Allow to infuse for a few minutes

Add a dash of lemon if required for taste

Sweeten if required

Avoid if pregnant or nursing